#worldventil8 Day

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#WorldVentil8 Day
World Ventil8 Day aims to raise awareness of the importance of ventilation as a crucial part of enabling health and wellbeing of people. It also seeks to recognise and celebrate the ventilation and indoor air quality community. We want you to be part of it, whether you are a ventilation professional or someone with a passion for fresh air in your building. (World Ventil8)
What is ventilation?
The first objective of a ventilation system is to ensure good indoor air quality, replacing stale air with fresh air from outdoors. While indoor pollution – a result of emissions from the human metabolism, indoor activities, and building materials and furniture – is a complex of many types of pollutants, humidity plays a remarkable and specific role in the residential context.
“Clean air is considered to be a basic requirement of human health and well-being. However, air pollution continues to pose a significant threat to health worldwide.” (WHO 2005)
Did you Know?
- Ventilation improves Sick Building Syndrome
- Ventilation reduces exposure to pollutants
- Ventilation is good for your building
- Helps you perform better – Especially in classroom or office settings

Demand Controlled Ventilation
Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV) is a way of looking at ventilation that is a little different. Instead of being a fixed rate of air exchange for a building or room based on a best guess, Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV) measures the air quality and adjusts the rate of exchange minute by minute, room by room, based on actual need.

Intelligent airflow distribution inside the dwelling
The Aereco Demand Controlled Ventilation system optimises air distribution within the dwelling: thanks to the humidity-sensitive air inlets, it directs the most air to the rooms that need it most. This way, the system limits heat losses in unoccupied rooms and provides good ventilation where it is needed. The same principle is used at the exhaust through Demand Controlled exhaust units.
DCV only needs ducting from wet rooms, which makes the system ideal for the cost-effective installation of a whole-house ventilation system. It is also ideal for refurbishment and retrofit work. Both the inlets and the extracts react to Indoor Air Quality and adjust the rate of airflow. The fan detects these changes by pressure which means minimal cables and no control wiring is required and adjusts the flow rate accordingly. The fan is very quiet (about the same as a PC) and very energy efficient. It requires no filter change, only minimal servicing, and should give years of trouble-free running.

Heat recovery ventilation (MVHR)
Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery, (MVHR) removes the warm moist air within your home (kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, office areas) and at the same time supplies filtered, pre-warmed air to your bedrooms and living areas.It reduces the heat load in your home, giving a fresh and healthy house while also reducing heating costs. Wolf MVHR units are built to the highest standards and carry Passive House certification.
We at Aereco combine the Wolf Units with a manifold air distribution system designed to optimise the MVHR units efficiency and comfort. It leads to a quiet and long life system. We pride ourselves on our dedication to positive outcomes, and expert teams in the field. Our Aereco Quality Standard from design to commissioning ensure ventilation that works.
Aereco’s solutions
Aereco is an expert in this field and offers several ventilation systems to suit every need, thanks to the modulated ventilation. All our products work with intelligent technologies that combines IAQ and energy saving.
Finally, to check the efficiency of your ventilation system and/or adapt the airflow, you can equip your house with IAQ sensors. At Aereco, supply a complete range of high quality systems.
WHO. (2009). WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality: Dampness and
Mould https://www.cdc.gov/mold/pdfs/summary-of-2009-WHO-Guidelines-for-Indoor-Air-Quality-Dampness-and-Mould_508.pdf
Worldventil8 Day – https://www.worldventil8day.com/